【蘇格蘭 Welcome Hub 港人 英文 ESOL班】Scotland Welcome Hub ESOL Class for HongKongers


大部分ESOL課程(為其他語言使用者所設英語課程)將在線上進行,同時亦計劃在 #愛丁堡 提供一個 #面授課程


• 提升英語語言、溝通技巧和自信心

• 獲得有關蘇格蘭就業和就業前景的知識

• 了解各行業的工作

• 瞭解招聘和面試系統

• 查找更多培訓機會,如適當時了解工作實習和學徒計劃

• 在員工權利和責任方面增強在工作場所的談判能力


• 此計劃對在蘇格蘭任何地方居住的香港人,包括 #BNO 港人 及正 #尋求庇護港人 開放

• 您必須年滿18歲才有資格參加這些課程

• 對於居住在愛丁堡的人,可以選擇參與面授課程

此支援計劃由「蘇格蘭地方政府協會( #COSLA)的 Hong Kong Welcome Hub」委託,由英國政府的「升級、住房和社區部」資助。,可以去下面條 link 度報名


The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) will be delivering a free Scotland-wide programme of ESOL for Employability and Entrepreneurship courses starting across the end of May and beginning of June 2023. We are looking to hear from Hongkongers interested in participating in this opportunity. The majority of these English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) courses will be delivered online but we also plan to deliver one face to face course in Edinburgh. You will receive an English Language Assessment and be offered a place on an appropriate WEA course or signposted to other relevant opportunities.

This course will help you:

◦ improve your English language, communication skills and confidence

◦ gain knowledge of the employment and employability landscape in Scotland

◦ learn more about working in a variety of industry sectors

◦ find out about systems of recruitment and interviewing

◦ source further training opportunities find out about work placements and apprenticeships where appropriate

◦ gain confidence in negotiating the workplace in terms of employee rights and responsibilities

Please note:

• This programme is open to #Hongkongers living anywhere in Scotland

• You must be 18 or older to be eligible to join these courses

• For those living in #Edinburgh, an in-person option is available

This programme of support has been commissioned by COSLA’s Hong Kong Welcome Hub and is funded by the UK Government’s Department for Levelling up, Housing, and Communities.

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