【14th Oct 23】蘇格蘭 教育系統概覽 @Glasgow

蘇格蘭 教育系統概覽 及 格拉斯哥 生活茶敘



相信唔少喺蘇格蘭嘅同學同家長都正在苦惱以上問題。有見及此,我哋連同學生團體 Hkers United 合辦教育概覽 分享會,同大家探討 #升學問題,更全面地計劃嚟緊嘅學習旅程。

與此同時,除咗討論教育話題,當然唔少得分享在地生活嘅樂與憂!歡迎所有住喺Greater Glasgow港人,包括各種居留身份嘅港人過嚟,一齊分享喺度生活嘅甜酸苦辣。分享生活疑難之餘,The Hong Kong Scots同工 會同大家分享、整理有關BNO港人支援同社區問題嘅意見,並喺活動後向相關部門反映。

Higher Education systems Overview for Scottish Students and sharing session in Glasgow

Have you had any questions about

-Scottish schooling system?

-things to pay attention to when applying for university?

Students and parents in Scotland struggling with the above issues are recommended to join an education overview sharing, co-organised by HKers United and us. We can discuss the #admission issues and wish to assist participants to have a more comprehensive study plan.

Whilst discussing education topics, it is also welcoming for Hongkongers living in Greater Glasgow to share ups and downs here, whatever the residence status you are. Our colleagues of The Hong Kong Scots will organise the BNO Hong Kong community issues and report them to relevant authorities after the activity.

活動詳情 / Details :

日期 / Date:14th October 2023

時間 / Time:升學概覽1:30pm – 3:00pm ;生活茶敘 3:00pm – 4:00pm地點 / Venue : Croftfoot United Free Church, 349 Carmunnock Rd, Glasgow G44 5HH

講者 / Speaker : Hkers United代表

語言 / Language : 粤語 / Cantonese 

報名方法 / Registration : https://shorturl.at/oxCIS

名額 / Capacity : 60

查詢 / Enquiries : [email protected] 


Disclaimer: Personal data collected will be used for this activity or case-related purpose only. For detailed information please refer to our privacy policy.