8.31事件四週年Edinburgh 街站
8.31流血事件四年過去,我哋繼續喺 #Edinburgh 以街站方式進行遊說活動,繼續呼籲更多人關注香港人權狀況,以及呼籲大家加入聯署,#制裁港官。 喺High...
Learn more8.31流血事件四年過去,我哋繼續喺 #Edinburgh 以街站方式進行遊說活動,繼續呼籲更多人關注香港人權狀況,以及呼籲大家加入聯署,#制裁港官。 喺High...
Learn moreScots may realise there are more Hongkongers in our community, most of which came from the UK government’s special visa scheme, which allows Hongkongers born in the British era and
Learn more[The plights of people seeking asylum from Hong Kong gained attention by the UK Parliament] On 27 June, Gareth Bacon MP sponsored a motion in the Parliament to demand the
Learn more在英尋求庇護港人的困境及 敝組織跟進工作簡報 近日《The Gaudian 衛報》報道英國內政部誤導尋求庇護港人撤出庇護聲請,改為申請 BN(O)簽證;最終因移民保釋(Immigration Bail)下而被拒絕簽證,並要求按 BN(O)簽證條件返回香港申請;變相令一度逃離港府迫害的手足,極高風險地面臨迫害。 就英國尋求庇護港人情況,敝組織於去年十一月曾入紙至今年三月聯合國《經濟、社會及文化權利公約》委員會關注來英尋求庇護人的 #工作權、#租住權、#生活支援...
Learn more八九民運 給了我們一個清晰的教訓,中共就是一個屠夫政權,我們根本不可能單靠和平靜坐、絕食等方式要求中共體制改革。當日在北京市犧牲的英烈,種下了中華大地對民主自由的種子,最終在香港發了芽。 二零一九年六月十二日,香港市民為阻止逃犯條例二讀包圍立法會並衝出夏愨道與龍和道,最終警方於下午三時四十五分發射催淚彈,#反送中運動 正式拉開序幕,「如水be water」等等的抗爭概念應運而生。 在二零二二年中國發生的 #白紙革命 中,香港的反送中運動仍成為了他們在抗爭運動中學習及仿效的對像。...
Learn more於升讀大學時,你有冇遇到過困難? Survey on British National (Overseas) Visa Hongkoners’ Access to Higher Education in the UK 填寫問卷 https://forms.gle/psPqPFYdziQiqxyMA 由於 BNO 簽證計劃期間,港人並非具有永久居留身份(ILR);所以呢五年間,適齢學生未能以本地生身份就讀本地大學,家境未算富裕學子學業或會被延誤,甚至無奈放棄⋯...
Learn moreWe are part of it! The Bill will create immense hurdles for #Hongkongers seeking asylum in the UK. The UK authorities should never leave the children of former British subjects
Learn moreCommemoration of the Tiananmen Massacre, is a war on the memory of the truth. 34 years ago, the students, workers and citizens in Peking called for democracy, anti-arbitrage and anti-corruption
Learn moreThe Shadow Report we have submitted to #UN #CESCR 72 pre-sessional working groupthe full report is below: https://bit.ly/HKScotstoUN72PSWG…… The assault on Hong Kong protesters by the #ConsulGeneral and consular staff
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