Together with refugees 非止於口號!


雖然誠如 移民大臣 鄭偉祺(Robert Jenrick)所說,十萬計的香港人通過 BN(O) 簽證來到英國,但具有諷刺意味的是,一些持有英國國民(海外)護照的香港人仍然需要尋求庇護,並且通常要等待超過 2 年的時間,面對較高拒絕率的初步決定,通常需要並在之後會贏得上訴。而大多數來到英國並需要庇護以免受迫害的香港人無法在香港等待英國國民(海外)簽證的申請。


衷心感激Alison Thewliss MP聽取我們的聲音,在國會為難民手足發聲!

難民地位公約 #在英港人 #人權保障

Since 2021, we have clarified repeatedly that BN(O) Visa Scheme is not a route under the Convention Related to the Status of Refugees.

Although it is true that

@RobertJenrick said thousands of Hong Kongers coming to the UK through BNOVisa, ironically, BN(O) HKers needed to seek asylum and generally waited on the process for more than 2 years with a high refusal rate until they won their appeal.

Mostly, Hong Kongers who came to the UK and needed asylum from persecution were not available to wait for applications for the BNO Visa in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Scots CIC keeps in touch with Hong Kongers seeking asylum in Scotland and we are always together with refugees.

Thank you

@alisonthewliss to speak for refugees and mention us.

#Refugee #TogetherWithRefugees #HKersInUK #HumanRights

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