Candlelight on 4 Jun 悼念六四,守護民主
Candlelight on 4 Jun ; Protect the Democracy
The Hong Kong Scots CIC, the Hong Kong diaspora group in Scotland, hosted the candlelight vigil to commemorate victims of the Tiananmen massacre on the 4th of June evening at Prince Street Garden in the heart of Edinburgh. And there were over 250 attendees to join the vigil.
Since three years ago, the Hong Kong regimes have banned the vigil with various excuses and suppressed Hongkongers several times. Candles are lit in Hong Kong, but the commemoration never stops, the ideas never die, and the candles still light. No matter where, as long as the candlelight is in your hand, you can pay tribute to the heroes of democracy!
Hongkongers diaspora community still uphold the spirit of freedom, democracy, and human rights, reminding the CCP’s various evil deeds.

Australian student who attended the vigil: Happy to hear there are Hongkongers support the Blank Paper Protest
An international student from Australia saw that besides the rundowns and candles, there were also blank papers at the entrance. After the vigil, she asked our member,
“I am from Australia. In my country, I knew there is some conflict between Hongkongers and Chinese. Glad to have a nice vigil today. Did you organised the Blank Paper Protest last year?”
Our member firstly clarified that the Blank Paper Protest was organised by the Chinese international students as the main characters, and continued,”our members had attended and showed our support to the protest. As a group of Hongkongers who caring democracy, freedoms and human rights, we always support the like-minded, no matter the identity, race and nationality; just liked we have invited Tibetan, Uyghur, Chinese,Scots and British to join the vigil. Anyone who support democracy, freedoms and human rights are friends of Hongkongers.”

“Happy to hear there are Hongkongers support the Blank Paper Protest. Um… You know that not only the Chinese government, most government are bad. My government spits a propaganda that Chinese are spies and destructive. Diverged people in the country. The Blank Paper Protest did not receive much support, including Hong Kongers.”
She and our member agreed that if possible, Hongkongers could give a hand to others who needed, no matter the identity, race and nationality. We also discussed about the Refugee Ban Bill and the Joint Statement we signed.
Despite the haze of the CCP’s overseas police stations, Hongkongers, Tibetans, Uyghur, Taiwanese, pro-democracy Chinese who those oppressed by the CCP, international Organization, British and Scots, etc. participated in this event. More than 250 people attended the candlelight vigil. Thank you for all who attending.

我等愛丁堡市中心的Prince Street Garden舉行了悼念天安門屠城死難者集會。「六四」不僅僅是北京的一場血腥鎮壓和屠城,也是與香港民主運動、人權息息相關的事件。從六四到七一,從 #反國教 運動、#雨傘運動、旺角魚旦,到2019年的香港 #反送中運動;香港人對民主、自由、人權的追求從未停歇,至今依然如此。

參與悼念澳大利亞學生:真高興聽到香港人有支持 #白紙運動。

與去年 300人相仿,縱有中共 #海外警署 等等陰霾,香港人連同國際組織、英國及蘇格蘭本地人、嚮往民主的中國人,受中共壓迫之藏人、#維吾爾人、#台灣人 等參與,本次悼念晚會亦有逾 250人出席,特別鳴謝以下人士:
蘇格蘭議會議員 Ross Greer
最後一任港督 #彭定康 勳爵
Zahid, Stand4 Uyghurs
香港第六屆區議員 張嘉莉 Clara Cheung
Leo Tsui

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