【蘇格蘭六四:延續香港燭光】 June 4th in Scotland: continuation of the candlelight from Hong Kong

Commemoration of the Tiananmen Massacre, is a war on the memory of the truth. 34 years ago, the students, workers and citizens in Peking called for democracy, anti-arbitrage and anti-corruption in Tiananmen Square but were bloodily suppressed by the Communist regime. Nevertheless, the pursuit for the ideal of democracy has never halted.

Lives Perished But the Ideal Persists

Hongkongers were enlightened from the Tiananmen Massacre to continue the pursuit for freedom, democracy and human rights. Through various forms of struggles, some fellow citizens even sacrificed their youth and freedom for resisting the forceful expropriation of land for the high-speed railway construction, standing up against the brainwashing national education, opposing the undemocratic constitutional reforms…

In 2019, again millions of Hongkongers took to the street against the Extradition Bill to defend freedom and human rights. Some of them because of that have been sacrificed, imprisoned, persecuted…

Numerous nations, also being repressed by CCP and different tyrannies, are pursuing the ideal of democracy and freedom by various means.

Lest We Forget

Today, we have left our homeland and therefore cannot light the candles in Victoria Park. Fortunately, however, we have known more fellows for the same goal on the same path. On June 4th, you are invited to gather with us in Princes Street Gardens next to Scott Monument, to let the world know that even not in Victoria Park we never forget the faith in democracy, freedom and justice.

Location: East Princes Street Gardens (Next to Scott monument ), Edinburgh
Time: 18:00-19:00

You may bring flowers to offer to the martyrs for democracy


六四屠城,一場關於真相的記憶戰;三十四年前,#天安門廣場 內的學生、工人、北京市民吶喊著「要民主」、「反官倒」、「反腐敗」的訴求,被中共鐮刀以坦克、以子彈血淋淋的鎮壓。然而,民主理念的追求卻從未遏息。


香港人從 #六四屠城 中啟蒙,延續了對自由、民主、人權的追求。




今天我等被迫離開故土,未能於維園再點起燭光,但仍有幸認識更多同同行、同道的朋友,六月四日,我們歡迎大家一同於Princes Street Gardens Scott monument 旁聚首,讓世人知道,即便不在維園,仍没有忘記對民主自由對公義的初衷。

地點:East Princes Street Gardens (Scott monument 旁), Edinburgh 


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