蘇格蘭一齊反對難民拒絕法 Scotland rejects the Refugee Ban Bill!
The Hong Kong Scots CIC共同與Justright Scotland ,以及蘇格蘭將近100個人權團體發表聲明,堅拒 #非法移民法案Illegal Migration Bill(下稱:難民拒絕法 #RefugeeBanBill )。
難民拒絕法 一旦通過,它將剝奪大多數人在英國 #尋求庇護 的權利,包括從香港出發蒞到英國的尋求庇護手足!就此我等不會袖手旁觀,除了呼籲英國政府撤回難民拒絕法外,我們要求政府當局為尋求庇護者提供安全的尋求庇護路線,確保他們不用再挺而走險尋找下一個落腳地尋求庇護。
蘇格蘭一齊 反對 難民拒絕法!
你可以阻止到 難民拒絕法!
1. 加入聯署聲明
There is still time for your organisation to add its name to our joint statement.
If you would like to be included, email [email protected] and we will send you a social media pack.
2. 加入 Together With Refugees, 與難民並肩而行
Together With Refugees,由 全英國 500 多個組織組成的聯盟,致力於建立一個更富有同情心的庇護系統 Follow them on social media and find out how you can join the movement here.
1. 於社交媒體上表明立場
唔知點寫,可以分享 蘇格蘭難民議會 嘅一張社交媒體圖片, which you can download here, 並用以下嘅文句
I’m calling for the UK government to scrap the #RefugeeBanBill and open safe routes to asylum for people fleeing war, torture and persecution. #AyeWelcomeRefugees
2. 請你嘅 MP 去反對呢條法案
明確話畀你嘅 MP 聽,你希望佢會就 難民拒絕法案 投反對票
You can find the name of your MP and how to contact them here
我哋都可以喺 Twitter 公開而有禮貌咁呼籲 MP(特別係 蘇格蘭嘅 MP ) 做正確嘅事、做出正確嘅選舉。 Twitter 出條 Tweet 中標記 MP 來參與,呼籲佢哋投票反對 #RefugeeBanBill
I’m calling for [tag MP here] to do what is right for Scotland and vote against the #RefugeeBanBill.
絕大多數蘇格蘭議員都反對法案 voted against the bill ,當 3 月 13 日星期一,下議院進行二讀時。 可以搵到國會議員投票嘅完整列表 here.

We’re proud to be joining 100 organisations across Scotland speaking out against the UK Gov’s cruel #RefugeeBanBill.
If passed, it will remove the right of most people to claim asylum in the UK, no matter how great their need for refugee protection. It will slam the door on survivors of trafficking and people fleeing war, torture and persecution.
We cannot stand by and do nothing. We are calling for the UK Gov to scrap its #RefugeeBanBill and open safe routes so people don’t have to risk their lives on dangerous journeys to find a place of safety.
We are clear.
Scotland rejects the Refugee Ban Bill!
Read our joint statement in full:
Actions to help stop the Refugee Ban Bill
If you are an organisation
1. Add your name to our joint statement
There is still time for your organisation to add its name to our joint statement.
If you would like to be included, email [email protected] and we will send you a social media pack.
2. Join Together With Refugees
Together With Refugees, is a coalition of more than 500 organisations across the UK campaigning for a more compassionate asylum system. Follow them on social media and find out how you can join the movement here.
If you are an individual
1. Take a stand on social media
Show your opposition to the Refugee Ban Bill on social media and ask others to do the same.
If you’re looking for inspiration, you can share one of our social media graphics, which you can download here, and use the wording suggested below.
I’m calling for the UK government to scrap the #RefugeeBanBill and open safe routes to asylum for people fleeing war, torture and persecution. #AyeWelcomeRefugees
2. Ask Scotland’s MPs to oppose the bill
Make it clear to Scotland’s MPs that you reject the Refugee Ban Bill and want them to vote against it.
You can find the name of your MP and how to contact them here
We can all use Twitter to publicly and politely call for Scotland’s MPs to do the right thing. You can take part by tagging your MP in a Twitter post calling for them to vote against the #RefugeeBanBill
If you’re not sure what to write, you can copy and paste the suggested wording below.
I’m calling for [tag MP here] to do what is right for Scotland and vote against the #RefugeeBanBill.
The vast majority of Scottish MPs voted against the bill when it went through its second reading in the House of Commons on Monday 13 March. You can find a full list of how MPs voted here.
If your MP is one of the few Scottish MPs that voted in favour of the bill, you can call them, write to them, or visit them in person to let them know how you feel about this legislation and urge them to vote against the bill at the next available opportunity.
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