Telling the true Hong Kong story at the UN Stopping the whitewash by Beijing
Daniel Kwok will deliver his testimonies in the UN hearing in February. Unlike other HK diaspora groups in the UK, we are under resource constraints to organise and operate activities. Fellow diaspora groups who made the submissions may be unable to visit and speak in the hearing
Support our trip to Geneva to tell the true Hong Kong stories at the UN at *Scottish Hongkongers is incubated by The Hong Kong Scots CIC

The Hong Kong Scots CIC, along with over ten former HK elected councillors, submitted a shadow report to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights regarding the severe encroachment of the right under the National Security Law of HK imposed by Beijing.
The report mentioned that a Hong Kong asylum seeker in the UK, assisted by our group, had been suspended by his school on political grounds and was barred from entering his classroom.
The report also mentioned the landmark persecution of Sheep Village picture book publishers and the arbitrary and disproportionate restrictions on exercising the Covenant rights on the grounds of COVID restrictions.
Nevertheless, our organisation discovered that 15 Beijing-backed groups submitted their shadow report to the UN. Submissions made by these women’s groups, youth groups, and a parent-teacher association of a primary school are nothing but pro-Beijing businessmen and politicians.
All this propaganda praises the draconian National Security Law of Hong Kong, aiming to legitimise the encroachment of economic, social and cultural rights to which Hongkongers entitled under British rule.
到聯合國說出真。香港故事 抗衡港共塗脂抹粉
The Hong Kong Scots CIC 連同10多位香港前民意代表,早前向 #聯合國 經濟、社會及文化權利委員會提交影子報告,提及香港在北京實施「港區國安法」下,港人之教育權利及參與文化生活權受到嚴重侵蝕。
報告提及,其中一名本團體提供協助、現時在英國申請庇護的 #香港抗爭者,在港時間被所屬學校以政治理由停課並不得踏入課室。報告中亦提及「羊村繪本迫害案」及以防疫為由,隨意並不合比例限制港人行使公約賦予之權利。
然而,本團體發現有15個親北京組織同時向聯合國提交報告。這些名義的民間團體,如婦女會、青年會甚至小學家長教師會等組織,實為前高官、親中商人、親北京政黨人士 控制下的傀儡,其提交的報告內容都是讚頌國安法,意圖合理化北京大舉侵蝕香港人早於英治年代已經享有之經濟、社會及文化權利。

捐助支持到聯合國遊說: *蘇格蘭香港人為The Hong Kong Scots CIC 培育群組
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