

[Human rights education: the Sheep Village Stories Workshop has been successfully]

近日 #Edinburgh 下濛濛大雪。即使風吹雨打,也消滅不了在蘇港人為香港出一份力的決心。今年的 #國際人權日,除了紀念目前身陷囹圄、為民主自由奮鬥的人們,我們特別舉辦 #羊村故事 分享會,讓小朋友從小認識人權的概念,明瞭 #人皆生而平等。唯有每個香港人掌握這個概念,我們才擁有民主自由的土壤,將來才有真正意義上的光復;否則那只會如1949年的中國,政權更迭的時候,新政權恐怕成了下一個專政。




It has been snowing heavily in Edinburgh in the last few days. However, even rainstorm cannot extinguish the determination of Scottish Hongkongers to fight for Hong Kong. On the Human Rights Day this year, apart from memorising those who are currently imprisoned for fighting for democracy and freedom, we also organised a workshop to share the Sheep Village stories to enable children to learn about the concepts of human rights and to understand all humans are equal. Only if every Hongkonger understands this concept, we can have our own soil of democracy and freedom, and then we will restore our home genuinely. Otherwise, it would be like China in 1949 that the new regime will unfortunately become another autocracy while the regime changes.

Some families from Hong Kong attended the Sheep Village stories sharing workshop. The children responded actively to share their opinions to the stories while we were telling the stories.

On the other hand, the parents learned from our leaflets and exhibitions that we are launching a petition to the Parliament to demand for improving the efficiency of the Home Office in speeding up on the process of asylum applications. The parents asked us for more information about the petition. Besides expressing the willingness to sign the petition, they also wish to help the fellow asylum seekers in various aspects.

Because of the support from different parties, the Sheep Village Stories Workshop was completed successfully today. We thank again all the volunteers and participants.

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