因為愛 所以革命順利放映

昨午Edinburgh 200港人和觀眾 雖不在街頭,然而示威以外我們仍然用各種方式支持 #同路人,包括各種遊說,尋求更多人支持被中共欺壓的一群。正如記錄訪談的南手足,我們被稱為香港人,並非因為我們的血裔,或任政權給我們的國籍、身份。只要我們仍然愛香港,願意為這片土地犧牲,我們便是真香港人!

今次私人放映安排不易,Edinburgh 獨立戲院相繼結業,部份連鎖院線拒絕播放這類題材的電影,我們衷心感謝 Odeon兩個月內盡力協助敝組織及製作團隊安排放映,不勝感激。也感謝導演團隊遠赴Scotland 同大家分享。

特別要感謝 @scottish_hongkongers #蘇格蘭香港人 全體義工,於籌備活動期間盡心盡力,大家的齊心和努力成就了順利舉辦今次活動,感謝大家。



感謝各位千里迢迢蒞臨觀影;希望各位都能從面對回憶中得到抒發;於蘇格蘭,無論舉辦抑或參與一次活動,成本都唔只係坐車去到市中心咁簡單;有人一來一回坐車就4至8個鐘,甚至要預訂酒店過夜,成本不菲,作為一個以Asylum seekers 為主嘅組織,往往會發生活動收益未及填補開支嘅情況。



Thank you for arriving. Hope everyone here got recovered from the memories. Some of us traveled miles here. In Scotland, whatever hosting or participating activities, the cost is more than travelling to the city centre.

Someone may spend more than 8 hours or even overnight to join.

There are only about 4,000 Hongkongers who reside in Scotland. It is good that about 200-300 people join activities and screenings.

Last Sunday, an accident happened in Manchester. It’s warning us that the threat from Beijing hasn’t gone away yet. The CCP is ready to stomp on the freedoms of speech and assembly.

*Subscribed ScottishHongkongers patreon would help us to maintain our works for human-rights issues.

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