Cantonese Welcome Course in Scotland
The Cantonese Welcome Course in Scotland is designed to welcome new arrivals to Scotland – particularly those from Hong Kong. It is a fantastic resource for providing a tool to bridge the relational gap between Hongkongers and the local community.
Attendees can discuss with the local pal and develop English conversational skills and confidence, build friendships, learn about Scottish culture, be signposted to services and share their knowledge of Hong Kong culture.
參加者可以與本地朋友討論,將會圍繞 #本地文化、#生活百科、#結識朋友、#公民義務、#歷史 並分享對香港文化嘅見解等,讓大家從陌生嘅生活情景,逐漸融入蘇格蘭呢個多元文化嘅社會。
Course designed with @ukhk_welcomechurches
Parent-Child Workshop and Storytelling Group
The Parent-child workshop for Hongkongers in Scotland to learn about the cultture, systems and value of the Scots from storytelling and mini-game.
Respect for universal human rights and learn about how Scotland puts it into practice
Introduction to Scotland’s Different Levels of Parliamentary System and Citizen Practice
Scottish Hongkongers Enqurie and Support
Scottish Hongkongers is an incubatee by The Hong Kong Scots for Hongkongers in Scotland with an online platform and to manage volunteer groups to support each other here.
Volunteer works which includes
Organize regular events and gatherings, with the participation of Hong Kongers seeking asylum or living in desitution
Provide signposting and directing information for Hong Kongers in difficulties