Research related to Hongkongers

During the UN treaties review cycle, we release our reviews based on our studies, surveys, and interviews.

  • Publish and submit submissions to relevant UN committees to describe Hong Kong human rights and the situation of Hong Kongers in Scotland
  • Conduct surveys and research on the comprehensive concerns of people living in Hong Kong, Scotland
  • Interview Hongkongers who have faced or are facing significant challenges or crises, and provide media contact methods according to the wishes of the interviewees
  • Furthering the initiative based on research, surveys and interviews


  • 公布並向聯合國相關委員會接交意見書,以𨤳述香港人權與居蘇格蘭港人狀況
  • 就居蘇格蘭港人綜合關注事項進行調查與研究
  • 採訪曾經或正在面臨重大挑戰或危機港人,並按受訪者意願,可以為其提供媒體聯絡方法
  • 根據研究、調查與訪談等內容,進一步推行倡議

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