熱絡討論在Welcome Course Enthusiastical Discussion in Welcome Course

Welcome Course 以廣東話課程歡迎港人,學員與本地人朋友熱絡討論

我哋與 #UKHK 主辦 #廣東話 #WelcomeCourse 已完全其中兩堂。 學員於兩堂相處,已開始熱絡地與本地人朋友討論到埗 #蘇格蘭 後所遇問題。亦透過 UKHK 教材、我哋嘅講課,以及曾居住過香港、英國兩地嘅朋友嘅視角,更進一步了解到兩地文化、制度上嘅異同,並對 #英國文化、地理、歷史有一個初步了解 。


本次 Welcome Course 過後,我哋亦計劃再舉辦第二期的 Welcome Course,希望屆時可以見到更多新面孔、認識大家。

Welcome Course is conducted in Cantonese to welcome Hongkongers. The participants discussed enthusiastically with the local pal.

Two of the six sessions of the Welcome Course in Cantonese hosted by us and UKHK was completed. In these two sessions, the participants enthusiastically discussed with a local pal, about the problems they have been facing after arriving in Scotland. Also through the materials from HKUK, our instruction used to lived in Hong Kong and the UK, the participants have further understood the similarities and differences in cultures and systems in two places, and have basic understanding in the culture, geography and history of the UK.

The quizzes in the course received active participation and feedbacks from the participants; from the differences in wear habits, to the similar culture in Hong Kong that originated from the British culture; gaining self-confidence and learning how to chat in British and Scottish style from the experience shared by and communication with the local pal, adapting local life in welcoming and settling down here with more confidence.

After this phase of the Welcome Course, we will again organise the second phase of Welcome Course in Scotland. Hopefully, we will then see more new faces and know more about each other.


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