📣香港人集結! (MPF 權益)🇬🇧 HongKongers unite for MPF rights

Protest against HSBC withholding MPF for HongKongers

Friday, 5 May 2023, 10 am
The Eastside Rooms, 2 Woodcock Street,
Birmingham, B7 4BL, UK

總部位於英國的匯豐銀行,是同謀阻止持 BNO 簽證的香港人獲取MPF資金的銀行之一。匯豐銀行將於 2023 年 5 月 5 日(星期五)在伯明翰舉行年度股東大會 (AGM)。

移英港人索回強積金供款,合法合理;,關係到 透過 BNO 簽證 永久居英、居蘇格蘭港人,令佢哋生活得到更有保障,並取回自己存款及資產。。我們呼籲香港人一齊到現場抗議,要求匯豐銀行還錢!

The UK-headquartered HSBC is one of the banks which is complicit in preventing Hong Kongers on the BNO visa from accessing their funds and has come to our attention that HSBC will hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Friday, 5 May 2023 in Birmingham


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