【團結抗共族群】United against the CCP

感謝 蘇格蘭議會跨黨派西藏小組 及 #Tibet Solidarity 邀請,今日我等能夠與西藏流亡政府司政Penpa Tsering閣下進行深刻交流。


同時間,誇黨西藏小組代表、蘇格蘭綠黨 MSP Ross Greer 建議港人,多向 MPs 及 MSPs 撰寫郵件及反映意見。令議會同事能夠從郵件及港人聲音中了解到來自北京的威脅有多重要,而不致於因埋首於其他事情而無瑕了解;正如他所著手的高等教育情況方面,不同政見學生被中共及其代理人所茲擾,也需要更多人反映方能更好跟進。

【United against the Chinese Communist】

We are glad to be invited to join the special meeting with Penpa Tsering, the Sik-Yong of the Central Tibetan Administration, by @TibSolidarity and Cross-parties Parliamentary Group on Tibet of the Scottish Parliament.

Thanks to Mr Sik-Yong and Tibetan Community for their encouragement and helps. We aware that reinforcing our community and exchanging with allies communities are important. United with others who also facing presecution from the CCP and Stand for #Freedoms, #HumanRights and #CulturalRight.

Moreovers, Mr Greer ,MSP from Scottish Greens, advised Hongkongers to write more letter and speak out to the MPs and MSPs. Due to the busy and heavy Parliamentary works, his colleagues needs more letters and voices to tell them how serious of the threats from Beijing’s. Letters and voices of Hongkongers would alert the importance of the threats.
Like what happen in higher education and universities in Scotland, CCP’s agents would harrass other students caused of their political opinion. The more voices from people, the more actions can follow.

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