The plights of people seeking asylum from Hong Kong gained attention by the UK Parliament

[The plights of people seeking asylum from Hong Kong gained attention by the UK Parliament]
On 27 June, Gareth Bacon MP sponsored a motion in the Parliament to demand the the Home Office to speed up the process of asylum claims. We thank him for caring for the people seeking asylum who face mental health distress due to long waiting time and conditions of accommodation.
We also thank Tim Farron MP for his precise and righteous assertion that refugees do not voluntarily become people seeking asylum and therefore, the only solution to tackle long waiting time is to speed up the vetting process; meanwhile, 90% refugees access to the UK indirectly
In the last few years, Home Office’s efficiency in handling asylum claims has been quite unsatisfactory. Those protestors from Hong Kong generally have to wait 2 to 3 years for approval, while many people seeking asylum from other countries may have to wait longer.
Thanks thousands of UK citizens for participating in the e-petition to the Parliament, as well as the co-sponsors the fellows who promoted it. We thank again the MPs who care about the situation and urge the Home Office the enhance the efficiency in handling asylum claim.
Manchester Stands With Hong Kong
於6月27日,Gareth Bacon MP在國會 動議有關尋求庇護者精神健康及福祉,並要求 #內政部 加快處理 #庇護聲請。感謝他關心尋求庇護者因長時間輪候及住宿環境困境;
同時亦感謝 Tim Farron MP言正嚴詞地提到難民並非自願成為尋求庇護者,故要解決因長時間等候的精神健康問題,不二法門乃加快審批程序;並須理解到90%難民都未能直達英國。
過去幾年,內政部處理庇護聲請的效率極不理想,來自香港的手足普遍需等候兩至三年才獲批,而很多來自其他國家的尋求庇護者等候時間更長。 感謝過去半年逾千英國國民及居民參與聯署,亦感謝諸位共同發起人和同路人的推廣。再次感謝諸位國會議員關心此情況,促請內政部提升處理庇護聲請效率。
蘇格蘭香港人、英國港僑協會、Tibet Solidarity、Re-Water、Birmingham Hongkongers、Manchester Stands With Hong Kong 、港援、UK Salford Hongkongers、細葉榕人道支援基金,及一眾前議員丘文俊、李賢浩、張嘉莉、許銳宇 、李俊威、 姚躍生
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